Spring 2026 Juniors Abroad Trips
Let the adventure begin!

Below is a trip-by-trip listing of each of our planned trips for the spring of 2026. Click on the respective link for each trip to get more details (be aware that all itineraries given are preliminary and subject to change).
We expect departures to be scheduled on the Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday following Commencement, with returns approximately 18-21 days later. You may register for one trip and be on the waitlist for a second trip, or be on two waitlists.
All classes meet 6:30 - 9 p.m. on the day of the week listed. Class attendance is mandatory, and there are no skips.
Trip | Avg. Miles Walked Per Day |
Number of Countries | Number of Days Spent in Crowded Cities |
Chile | 8-10 miles | 1 | 3 days |
Denmark to Iceland | 8-10 miles | 4 | 6 days |
Germany & Austria | 4-5 miles | 2 | 5 days |
Germany, France, Belgium, Netherlands (June) | 5-7 miles | 4 | 13 days |
Israel & Jordan | 3-5 miles | 2+ | 7+ days |
New Zealand | 8-12 miles | 1+ | 5+ days |
Poland to Hungary | 5-6 miles | 4 | 12+ days |
Spain, Portugal, Morocco | 6-9 miles | 3 | 5 days |
Tunisia & Italy | 6-9 miles | 2 | 10 days |
Uzbekistan & Tajikistan | 6-9 miles | 2+ | 10 days |
Vietnam, Hong Kong, South Korea | 5-7 miles | 3 | 15 days |
The following registration information applies to all eleven Juniors Abroad courses we are offering in spring of 2026.
Apply by December 1
Passports Apply by December 1
You must have a current passport to travel. Please be mindful of the following:

- You must HAVE your passport (in hand) by Monday, Dec. 1, 2025.
- If you do not have a passport by Dec. 1, 2025, you may not be allowed to participate in Juniors Abroad! Failure to submit a passport by this date will incur a fine of $200 (cash or check). Visit our passport page to learn more about the application process.
Deposit Deadline: December 1, 2025
You must pay your $300 deposit and turn in all of the following forms by Dec. 1, 2025, or you will be dropped from the class list and you will lose your place in the course. You cannot pay this deposit before Nov. 15.
Please note these critical details about deposits:
- If you have an unpaid balance on your account you must pay this balance first or your deposit will go toward the unpaid balance and not Juniors Abroad. This deposit will be applied to your charges for the trip; however, it will not be refunded if you withdraw, so consider your plans carefully.
- Deposits are to be made in the Office of Student Accounts in the Stevens Center. The deadline for deposits is Dec. 1, 2025. If you change trips, the deposit is still good for the new trip.
- Paying the deposit represents your commitment to participate in Juniors Abroad. If you drop the course after having paid the deposit you will be held responsible for (up to) the full amount: $2,400.
Health and Counseling Center Forms

Medical Form
The Center for Study Abroad will email you a link to the DocHub online form around Nov. 1. If you do not receive the email by Nov. 7, 2025, please send them an email (studyabroadcenter@georgefox.edu) requesting the link.
You must have all childhood vaccinations if you are to participate in Juniors Abroad. Some trips will require additional immunizations.
The medical form (online link you'll get by email) and childhood vaccination records are due by Dec. 1, 2025.
Registration Forms
Finally, to finalize your registration for Juniors Abroad, complete the following forms in Canvas:
- Copy of passport (copy first two pages; please sign passport)
- Signed Liability Form
- General and Emergency Information Form
Important Dates
The Health and Counseling Center will email you this link. Childhood vaccination records should be emailed to the Health and Counseling Center at hcc@georgefox.edu
Your deposit is due, as well as the Liability Form, General and Emergency Information Form, and a copy of your passport due or receipt dated before Dec. 1, 2025 (all forms are in Canvas as an assignment).
Your university account must be paid in full (except for Juniors Abroad).
One-half of your remaining Juniors Abroad payment is due.
Your final Juniors Abroad payment is due.
Complete an online course evaluation.
Tent City
Each spring, juniors pitch tents on the quad the night before Juniors Abroad selection day in anticipation of getting up early to stake their claim to their trips of choice. The Tent City for Juniors Abroad trips 2026 begins at 10 a.m. on Thursday, March 6, and registration begins at 8 a.m. on Friday, March 7. Visit the Tent City page for details about signing up.
Contact Us
For answers to general questions about the Juniors Abroad Program, policies, eligibility and procedures, or if you need to find out the best place to go to get a response to other questions, contact us!
For answers to specific questions about the activities and requirements of a particular study tour, contact the faculty leaders for that trip.